Corporate Aircraft Appraisal & Marketing Services

in the cockpit, since 1972


planesworth™ founder Stephen J. Coo­nan, Sr. spe­cial­izes in air­craft val­u­a­tion and acqui­si­tion. Before spending his time in databases, “Senior” entered aviation in the cockpit. The majority of his early flights Mr. Coonan piloted the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, serving his country for the United States Air Force.

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After spending his time in the Air Force, Mr. Coo­nan transferred his aeronautical passion and acumen to the corporate aviation industry. Decades later, as a corporate pilot, he had flown all over he world, estab­lishing an inter­na­tional clien­tele from Hong Kong, Dubai to Moscow.


Now, nearly half a century later, Mr. Coonan continues to serve his corporate aircraft community as Senior Air­craft Appraiser of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). He and his group are com­pli­ant with the Uni­form Stan­dards of Pro­fes­sional Appraisal Prac­tices (USPAP). His range of air­craft appraisal expe­ri­ence includes, to name a few, Boe­ing Busi­ness Jets, Gulf­streams, Lear­jets, Chal­lengers, Hawk­ers, Fal­cons and Cita­tions. In the past twenty years, he has com­pleted over $9 bil­lion in air­craft valuations.

When requested, Mr. Coo­nan also per­forms air­craft appraisals for tax deductible dona­tions to avi­a­tion train­ing schools and muse­ums. Mr. Coo­nan has a life­long aca­d­e­mic and prac­ti­cal back­ground in mil­i­tary, cor­po­rate and air­line avi­a­tion. He holds a Bach­e­lors Degree in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­sity and is an Air­line Trans­port Pilot with sev­eral type ratings.

In the past three years alone, he has acted as agent for either the buyer or the seller in the acqui­si­tion of sev­eral cor­po­rate air­craft, val­ued at over $100 mil­lion. Mr. Coonan’s port­fo­lio includes the pri­vate wealth man­age­ment clients of sev­eral For­tune 50 banks and cor­po­ra­tions, includ­ing Citibank, Mer­rill Lynch, Gold­man Sachs, Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank.

Mr. Coo­nan has also per­formed work for the Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice regard­ing celebrity use of cor­po­rate jets and was even asked to per­form an appraisal of Bernie Madoff’s pri­vate air­craft in the ongo­ing dis­so­lu­tion of assets man­dated by the court.

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“We focus on building value into your corporate aviation experience. I look forward to hearing your unique position within our industry and how I can assist you and your clients.”

Onward & Upward,


Stephen J. Coonan, Sr., ATP, NCSA USPAP Certified Aircraft Appraiser Founder, planesworth™


Our planesworth™ founder is accompanied by his son, “Junior” to find and evaluate up-to-date market data, helping create insight for their clients.

new age analytics


“My aim is to supplement my father’s acumen of the corporate aviation industry with my passion for its assets & capital markets. This coupling helps our clients acquire the right assets for their portfolios.”

In Service,


Stephen J. Coonan, Jr., Analyst, planesworth™
